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Islam in Seoul

I had a chance recently to shoot a interesting story for Groove Magazine on the Muslim community here in Seoul. For the project myself and a writer spent a few days hanging around the Itaewon mosque chatting with and observing members of the mosque and community. I don’t want to give too much away before the article comes out, so I’ll link to it when it’s released. For now though, here are some photos.


Homeless Service with

I had to chance to go out with PLUR (Peace Love Unity Respect) this past weekend to pass out some food to homeless folk around Seoul Station. I tagged along with a writer to complete a duo for a Groove Magazine article. So I should hope some of these photos will be published in an upcoming issue.

PLUR does some great stuff, one of which is handing out some food every few weeks to some people who really need it. If you’re looking for a volunteer opportunity in Seoul, check out their website for some more information.



Davod + Julie Wedding!!

I had the most incredible time shooting David and Julie’s wedding this past weekend. This couple is a supernova of smiles and laughter. I love these kinds of people. Thanks for all the fun.

By the way, I’ll soon be moving to San Diego to be the best wedding photographer in San Diego. Looking forward to seeing all my friends there.
